Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Wedding In California Today - Finding the Real Deal

Wow - what an amazing day. Filled with drama (the good kind) - a beautiful bride from Delaware, a dashing groom from the UK (no, wait, he has his Green Card now! ) - rain, more rain, ballarina princesses, junior soccer men, vows, rings, doves released, tearful toasts and kisses from a good God.

As I said my good-byes to the father of the groom I commented on how truly blest he is. You see, he has a family absolutely overflowing with love - honestly - the real stuff. I've covered a lot of weddings, several hundred actually, and its easy to tell when the "love" is being faked on a wedding day - no faking with this group - they really are the real deal.

Now brides-to-be, don't sweat the small stuff, like, if it's going to rain on your outdoor wedding, just make sure you're marrying into a family that doesn't know how to fake love.

So Amanda and Luke, here's to you -I mean CHEERS! :) - may your time in Hawaii be rain-free! And by the way, you guys really are the real deal. - Blessings

For more photos from this wedding go to my website, Wedding Gallery, Amanda & Luke's Wedding

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